Carbon dioxide or Co2 is a colourless, odourless, electrically non-conductive gas that is highly efficient as a fire suppression agent. Carbon Dioxide fire protection systems use intelligent, reliable and fast-acting control panels to quickly sense a fire
before it can cause damage to property. Carbon dioxide gas has a high rate of expansion, which allows a Co2 fire protection system to work fast.
When applied to a fire, Co2 provides a heavy blanket of gas that reduces the oxygen level to a point where combustion cannot occur. Since carbon dioxide is a gas, there is no clean-up associated with a
Fike Co2 fire suppression system discharge. That means minimal interruption to your business. In fact, the cost of clean-up and peripheral damage associated with water sprinkler systems, foam systems and dry chemical
agents can exceed the costs associated with the actual fire damage. With a Fike Carbon Dioxide system, clean-up costs and downtime associated with a Co2 discharge are negligible.